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Recycling Advisory Board

The Recycling Advisory Board serves as an advisory group to the Hickory City Council. The Recycling Advisory Board typically meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Public Services Complex.

The City of Hickory offers residential curbside recycling service which is picked up every other week on the same day as garbage collection. The Residential Recycling webpage shows a map of pick-up dates, as well as Schedules A and B. If you have a problem with collection, are in need of a recycling rollout, or have questions concerning what can be recycled, call the Public Services at (828) 323-7500.

The City also operates two recycling drop-off centers. The center located on 9th Avenue NE beside Fire Station #2 under the water tower and is open Monday through Saturday from 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and accepts aluminum cans; newspapers; green, brown, and clear glass; cardboard; Plastics 1 and 2; and mixed paper. The Solid Waste Transfer Station located at 1050 1st Avenue SW is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This drop-off center accepts aluminum cans; newspapers; green, brown, and clear glass; Plastics 1 and 2; cardboard; used motor oil; and antifreeze. Do not bring non-recyclable trash to either of these facilities. If you would like to make a service request, visit the Action Center.

Staff Liaison:
Solid Waste Manager Andrew Ballentine 

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