Old Lenoir Road is set to get a makeover thanks to over $18 million in grant funding from the Greater Hickory Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Hickory City Council unanimously approved agreements with NCDOT to receive federal funds to construct a multiuse trail and make streetscape improvements along Old Lenoir Road, which will be known as the OLLE Art Walk (formerly Old Lenoir Walk).
OLLE Art Walk is a planned multiuse path that will connect multiple sections of the Hickory Trail network that is being developed by the City of Hickory under the Crafting Hickory initiative and $40 million bond referendum passed by Hickory voters. The OLLE Art Walk will run along Old Lenoir Road to connect the City Walk to the Riverwalk and Aviation Walk segments of the Hickory Trail.
Once a major thoroughfare into and out of the central business district of Hickory, Old Lenoir Road is now home to funky retail boutiques, a budding arts district, and a variety of businesses.
This section of trail is named after the OLLE Arts District, which derives its name from the first two letters of "Old" and "Lenoir" from the road name, Old Lenoir Road. The OLLE Arts District is one of the City of Hickory’s recognized business associations. This area will soon be revitalized with the OLLE Art Walk as one of the segments of the Hickory Trail. With the hope of continuing to cultivate the arts in this area, the OLLE Art Walk plans to incorporate historical markers, public art pieces, and colorful murals along its path.
The OLLE Art Walk is shown as the orange highlighted route on the alignment map at the bottom of this page and is described below:
The OLLE Art Walk project is a critical pedestrian and bicycle connection for the City of Hickory and will tie together a number of ongoing trail projects and planned parks that the City has been working on. The broader Hickory Trail will provide bicycle and pedestrian safety while connecting popular destinations and amenities. The Trail, along with the City’s culture of providing an atmosphere for dynamic growth and robust development, will be a major asset in the community’s effort to craft a strong economy, provide good jobs, and create a desirable quality of life for residents.
During its regular meeting on Feb. 6, 2024, Hickory City Council approved a $22,714,090.80 construction contract with Neill Grading and Construction Company, Inc. for the OLLE Art Walk. A groundbreaking ceremony was held April 4, 2024, to mark the official start of construction for this project. Construction of the OLLE Art Walk segment of the Hickory Trail will take approximately 24 months to complete.