What is Neighborhood College?
Neighborhood College is a series of professionally led sessions designed to teach citizens about the City of Hickory and the services it provides. Neighborhood College is an educational experience that gives participants insight into Hickory's history and its governmental processes. Participants are encouraged to share the knowledge they receive from the program with their neighbors.
Why Participate?
You will learn about your City's government, how it works, and how it impacts your community.
You will be able to take that knowledge back to your neighbors and have the ability to be an effective leader in your neighborhood.
You will be able to take this knowledge back to your business and when there are questions that you need answered from the City, you will know the right person to call.
Are You Eligible?
To be selected, you must live or work in the City of Hickory and be willing to commit the time to this informative and interesting program. The City of Hickory will strive for diverse participation in this program.
What is the Cost?
There is no cost to participate in the program.
What is Expected of Participants?
Participants must be willing to commit the time to attend the sessions and coordinate their own transportation to the various class locations. Each participant must attend at least 7 out of the 9 sessions in order to be certified as having completed the program.
Program Calendar
The 2023 Neighborhood College program runs for 9 weeks, September 11 through November 7. Sessions are held each Monday night, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at various City facilities. Neighborhood College graduates are recognized during a Hickory City Council meeting at the conclusion of the program.
Hickory 101 is a condensed version of Neighborhood College that will be offered fall 2024. The Neighborhood College and Hickory 101 programs run every other year, respectively.
Application Process
The Fall 2023 class is full. Class participants will be emailed additional information about the program prior to the start date. If you have questions, please contact Communications Specialist Sarah Killian at (828) 261-2290 or email skillian@hickorync.gov.